Sorting the Inbox
By default, your Inbox is sorted by the Care Recipient type. Visits where you have been requested by the family or Care Recipient (CR) will appear first, followed by visits from your past CRs. You can also view visits from CRs that are New to Homage, or are nearby your home address.
To view visits in chronological order, tap Sort and select “Sort by Start Time (earliest)”. You will be able to see the visits arranged by date, and easily plan your upcoming visits based on your schedule.
If you want to discover more visits near you, tap Sort and select “Sort by Distance (nearest)”. You will see visits grouped by area, with the closest area first. You can also use this view to find areas with ample available visits.
Filtering the Inbox
You can use the filters along the top row of the Inbox to help you quickly find the visits you want to apply for. There are filters for Care Recipient Type, Dates, Duration, and Distance. You can also tap the Filter button to see the full list of filters.
For example, if you only want to view visits near you, you can tap on the filter for Distance and select “Within 5km”. The Inbox will only display visits that are within 5km of your address.
Tip: You can use multiple filters, or use filters together with the Sort options to create your ideal Inbox experience. Try testing it out!
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